“The VI-JOHN Group recognizes its responsibility to its business partners, suppliers and the community at large.” (Operating Principles),The VI-JOHN Group has a strong ethical ethos, which is evident in all facets of the operation and is demonstrated in the following ways: Manufacturing is monitored and controlled in-line with cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and The VI-JOHN Group Cosmetics Supplier Code of Practice to ensure High-quality product.
VI-JOHN Group has open and honest relationships with all suppliers ensuring confidentiality of their specialist technologies and formulations
VI-JOHN Group is committed to conducting its business in a manner that demonstrates respect for the environment. All suppliers are expected to act responsibly with regard to protection and preservation of the environment, implementation of proper environmental controls, and compliance with national and local regulations.
VI-JOHN Group takes into account the ethnic and religious beliefs of the people in the countries where it exports.
, VI-JOHN Group ensures that local and national standards of health and safety in the workplace, minimum wage standards, and related requirements are all adhered to. In addition, suppliers are expected to operate ethically with respect to young and vulnerable people in the labor force. The welfare of children is of great concern to the company, a founding member of The Indian Childhood Foundations.
VI-JOHN Group does not test products or ingredients on animals, and no ingredients derived from dead animals, or sourced while causing harm to animals, are used.
Safety and efficacy testing is carried out, under the supervision of qualified medical personnel, on consenting health volunteers (18yrs +).
Local and international regulations are monitored, ensuring that safe, effective and legally compliant products are available to our customers